P-TECH Program

Pathways in Technology Early College High School

What is P-TECH?

P-TECH stands for Pathways in Technology Early College High School

  1. Students choose a career pathway and take courses that provide the academic, technical, and workplace skills that are attractive to employers.
  2. Students have the potential to earn an associate's degree in four to six years, along with industry certificates for their selected career pathway.
  3. Students can earn up to 60 hours of free college credit while pursuing their high school diploma. Yes, TUITION FREE!
  4. We are also the TSI Approved Testing Center


**STEM occupations are growing at 17%, while others are growing at 9.8%

PTAA P-TECH Pathway Offerings

  1. Associate: Software Programmer/Developer
  2. Associate: Network Administration
  3. Associate: Electrical Engineering
  4. Associate: Interactive Simulation/Game Technology
  5. Associate: Pre-Med/Pre-Dental

PTAA P-TECH Differentiators

  1. Dual Credit vs AP Courses
  2. Internship Programs
  3. 5-6 years for High School
  4. UT and Texas Alignment
  5. Colleges sourced in Colorado and Nevada

College Courses available on campus next year

  1. Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD)
  2. Computer Graphics
  3. Computer Information Technology
  4. Computer Science

PTAA College and University Partnerships under Contract

Richland College

Eastfield College

El Centro College

Mountain View College

Brookhaven College

Cedar Valley College

Tarrant County College District

UT Arlington

UT Dallas (Under Discussion)

SMU (Under Discussion)

North Lake College

Collin County Community College District

More every year!!!

Technology & Engineering Differentiators

Scaffolded Approach

Elementary School

PLTW Launch Program

Robotics and Automation

Modelling and Simulation

Middle School

PLTW Gateway Program

Automation and Robotics

Design and Modeling

Green Architecture


Computer Science

Android Apps Development

Website Development

Object Oriented Programming

High School

Engineering Program

Introduction to Engineering

Computer Engineering

Biomed Engineering


Computer Sciences

Artificial Intelligence (AI Courses)

Virtual Reality, Application Development

PTAA Industry Partnerships


#1 Public-Private Partnerships

Healthy partnerships between major employers, community colleges, and the school district are key to a robust and successful P-TECH program.

#2 Six-Year Integrated Program

An integrated Scope & Sequence of high school and college courses beginning in 9th grade leads students to a postsecondary degree and a career in the STEM fields.

#3 Open Enrollment

There are no grade or testing requirements to attend a P-TECH school.

#4 Workplace Learning

Through both classroom and hands-on experience, students enrolled in a P-TECH school will acquire the workplace skills to be competitive in the 21st Century job market.

#5 Cost Free

The P-PTECH program and the Associate Degree that a student earns is offered at no additional cost to students and their families.

#6 First in Line for Jobs

Industry partners in the P-TECH program commit to making graduates of the program the first in line for job opportunities. While this opportunity doesn't guarantee a job with a particular industry partner, it does offer students within the program incentive to do well in school to better position themselves to obtaining available entry-level roles.

PTECH/ICIA  Accreditation